Twenty years already! Way back in 2000, Purcell’s Dido and Eneas, one of the jewels of the repertoire. VINCENT BOUSSARD, equally passionate about theatre and music, is embarking upon a promising career as an opera director. A true man of music and theatre, a combination of instinct and intelligence, he rapidly establish himself as one of the major figures on the European opera scene. This book is an opportunity to reflect on his work and artistic commitments. Together, we will recall the decisive encounters that have marked him, his loyalty to his team, his taste and his visceral attachment to the artisanal and empirical dimension of theatre practice, but also his dramaturgical needs, his desire to touch beauty and bring emotions to the surface. His theatre is made up of encounters, an immersion in the intimacy of situations and in the viscera of music, on which Vincent relies with absolute dedication.

Interview by Jean-Jacques Groleau. Contributors by Christian Lacroix, Vincent Lemaire, Francesca Joppolo (Guido Levi), Benoît Mernier, Alexia Voulgaridou,
Patrizia Ciofi, Caterina Panti Liberovici, Gregory Cauvin, Francis Hüsers, Cristina Pasaroiu, Aleksandrina Pendacanska, Martin Riegler