What's is SCSA
The Study Centre for Scenic Arts (SCSA) is a not-for-profit cultural association with the aim of creating a pan-European ‘open laboratory’ to promote the collective skills of scenographers and other design professionals, which will provide a platform for the spread of knowledge and creative drive through a constructive effort to strengthen the relationship between technology and professionals and emerging talent.
Where is SCSA
SCSA is based in UK and in Italy but, for the very nature of its activity, it will work towards creating a network of satellite centres in Europe and further afield in order to foster collaborative projects and partnerships with artists, designers, technicians, architects, academics and students.
How is the Scientific Committee organized?
The scientific committee is made up of a panel of experts of international renown. The main task of the committee is to organise a network of Skills Centres.
The scientific committee will be tasked with:
- formulating the Centre’s cultural programme;
- formulating the Centre’s editorial programme;
- supervising on the quality of projects submitted to the Executive Council.
Operational activities will be divided into five sectors:
- Theatre and Opera sector
- Film sector
- Television sector
- Entertainment sector
- Architecture sector
Each of the five sectors will have three points in common:
- Vocational training
- Technology and research
- Historiography
What are the aims of the study center?
- To bring to light all that which is relevant to the scenic arts with particular attention paid to the vocational training of young final-year students and graduates about to enter the professional world;
- To fully collaborate with those who operate in the entertainment and performing arts sphere by providing any type of technical and practical assistance;
- To produce digital and hard copy published material using all forms of multimedia communication including that of television networks;
- To create a data-base on scenography, which includes documentation on schools, associations, studios, annual conventions, trade fairs, festivals, etc.;
- To organize on an annual basis, in collaboration with theatre institutions, film production companies and television networks, and working together with set , lighting and costume designers, events such as festivals, permanent and itinerant exhibitions, study conferences, conventions, internships and practical work experience, for professionals, final-year students and graduates; those individuals selected can participate on a non-fee paying basis;
- Stipulate agreements with publishing houses for the production and distribution of material, in a range of formats, dedicated to film, theatre and television production design;
- Pave the way to the creation of a European Federation of Scenographers (ESG European Scenographers Guild);
How the study center is organized
The Association comprises founder members, honorary members, ordinary members, and sponsor members.
Founder members – those who have actively participated in forming the Association.
Honorary members – natural persons and legal entities, who have contributed greatly to the transmission of know-how and spread of awareness in the scenic arts; the admission of an honorary member is to be determined by a unanimous vote by the Executive Council following a name proposal by two thirds of its members.
Ordinary members – natural persons, legal entities, organisations (acknowledged or otherwise), scholastic institutions, teachers, students, associations and foundations, subject to approval of application form by the Executive Council.
Sponsor members, – natural persons, professionals, companies and corporations that wish to financially support the Association.
The registration at SCSA is free?
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