When I first met Ivan Stefanutti in person and saw how he worked, he gave me the impression of being the reincarnation of a character in free-fall from the lighting grid, a sort of young red-haired musketeer, a D’Artagnan’s love child who, with the air of one rather lost in thought (minus the imperious hubris, the intemperance of some of his scenographer colleagues), would move to and fro from the workshop to the costume shop, from the lighting console to the wings, among singers, extras and prop men. While dishing out instructions he arranged the pieces of the polychrome mega puzzle with discretion, in the manner of those figures of noble patrons depicted in Renaissance paintings, who are witness to and bless the event or episode portrayed on canvas.

Texts by Ivan Stefanutti, Gianni Gori, Andrea Merli, Lucia Poli,
Filippo Tadolini, Vincenzo De Vivo, Alessandra Chiesa, Stefano Nicolao.